A great deal has been discussed about the labor movement in Texas. Why is Texas afraid of unions.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

This is in response to Fess Up, Y'all Know Govt Matter
First of all I truly agree with you about Rick Perry, He has his as.. way over his head and doesn’t realize it. During his visit at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, he requests the presidential candidates’ just to say “NO” to President Barack Obama and No to anything that makes Washington relevant to the American people. The Governor of Texas seems to speak for himself and a few members of his party. As a leader he should show more respect to others elected officials who are elected by the people, whose job is to find ways to better our lives and the future of our State and our country.
Yes, we are in titled to our opinion in our leadership. It is also my opinion that our leaders in Texas have not done what is required of them, as citizen of this state, we need to organize ourselves and get the vote out and change what needs to be changed for the best of the people of this state. As for Mr. Perry, it is about time you step down and allow someone else run this state.

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